
A journey of a thousand miles ...

... begins with a single conversation about Lebanon and Kenya. One of the first things we bonded over was our love of travelling. Sammy talked about spending time in Lebanon and  trips to Egypt, while Natasha spoke of living in England, backpacking Europe, and doing research in Kenya, Africa. It soon became clear that travelling would be an integral part of our relationship. We made it a point to go somewhere every year. Whether it's a few hours drive away like our first vacation to Dallas, Tx (to the aquarium we eventually got married in) or across the globe like our honeymoon in Japan. 

These blogs will mostly catalog what we did in the other countries and if I felt it was worth doing. Obviously, I'm highly biased to the things I like, but that's kind of the point of a private blog! Please enjoy our travel experiences through my lens and my words. 
