
My wedding finally came and what a quick and amazing week it was. I got to see so many of my friends and family and was surrounded by those closest to me for the entire week. I want to thank everyone so much for celebrating with Sammy and me. We feel so honored that so many people made an effort to join us in our happiness. I want to give a special shout out to my bridesmaids. They spent the week with me, helped me put together the last touches, and explored the world of dinosaurs by my side. Marta, you have been so awesome as a maid of honor, helping me plan and flying all the way from Spain to be with me. Sarah, you always know how to make me smile and keep me calm. Thank you for all of your support, flying here from the UK, and always sending flamingoey love! Tiffany, I’ve known you for over 20 years and couldn’t imagine this day without you. And Emily, you are such an amazing niece and I’m so happy you could be a part of my day. And to everyone that travelled across the country to be with us. You really made our moment that much more special.


And of course to Sammy. You are my best friend and I’m so happy that we finally have the piece of paper making it official. I’ve enjoyed spending the last few years together and look forward to many more. I’m excited to see where life takes us and what adventures we will experience together. I couldn’t imagine a better person to have by side for both the happy times, the adventures, and the bad times. You are my rock, my hero, my mate, and the face I want to come home to everyday. I love you so much!

Full album: https://imgur.com/a/UMmUOxY

