While Sami flew off to PAX with the guys for Labor Day weekend, I flew to San Francisco to hang out with the girls for the weekend. I hung out with Lana, Lauryn, and Heather for the weekend in San Francisco. We rented out a cute little AirBnB. It was all automated, so we didn’t have to interact with anyone and could come and go at will. It was perfect for the weekend.

Air BnB

Air BnB

Lana and I started off the weekend together shopping in Japantown. There are so many cute places to find unique items. I wish I had brought a bigger suitcase. Although it’s probably better that I didn’t. We also ate a bunch of cute food. Wish I had been more vigilant about taking more pictures of it all. However, I do have pictures of the main activities we did there.

The main thing we wanted to do was go to the Traditional Japanese Gardens since Lana and Heather had never been and it is so something they would enjoy. Spoilers, they did enjoy the gardens!! The traditional gardens is filled with Japanese plants, replica Japanese shrines and bridges, and in the middle a tea room with delicious tea and traditional treats. It’s adorable and anyone in SF should check it out. We had such a nice and relaxing time there.

We also decided to go to Golden Gate Park and check out the sights. We went to the Shakespeare Gardens, band playing in the atrium, and the zine fest going on at the time. The Shakespeare Gardens were beautiful, but quite small. The band was a nice surprise. They were just there for fun and gave a free show to anyone who was around at the time. Zine Fest was my favorite part though. It was people who made their own magazines and art. I bought several pieces from an artist that incorporated people of color in their art, something I wish was more common. I got a wall hanging artwork, but also some cards to send. I can’t wait to send them out to my friends overseas!

I ended the trip with one last shopping trip with Lana and eating at a Cuban restaurant. It was one of the best sandwiches I had ever. Hopefully I can see them again sooner this time. It made me realize how much I miss my friends.
