Gus and Sandie came to visit us, and it was such a good time. It was so nice to see family and show them around our favorite areas in SF. Sammy particularly enjoyed bringing his dad to Aladdin’s to enjoy some of his favorite Lebanese foods in the area. I think they went there almost every morning. It was also such a relief to see family so close to the honeymoon and the move (more blogs on those to come).

In addition to taking them to Aladdin’s, we also brought them around San Francisco. We saw the bridge, the dock, Japantown, Chinatown. All of the hot spots. These were great, but honestly, my favorite part of the trip was the car rides we took. On a couple occasions, we took the car on scenic routes just to see the beautiful environment and coastline. These were my favorite moments. We were all together so had no choice but to truly interact; I learned how similar Sammy and his dad are and how funny they are when they are together for an extended amount of time. It was seriously the most I have laughed in a long time. I look forward to them coming out again.
