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I’m really excited about this week’s bento. I have a brand-new theme that is pretty popular at the moment: Star Wars. This is a new age Star Wars bento because it contains BB8. I made sure to include some of the classics as well. I’m talking about you Yoda.

So the main part of this bento is the Yoda, BB8, Stormtrooper, and Chewbacca rice balls. To make the Yoda, I ribboned some cucumber and laid it down on a piece of plastic wrap. I added the rice and formed a ball. Once this was in the box, I cut up pieces of the cucumber skin to make the facial features and parts of the cucumber guts to make the ears. I thought he came out pretty good.

To make the BB8 rice ball, I used plastic wrap to form the rice into a ball before putting in the bento box. I then used nori to make all of the dark decorations. I used masago to make the orange accents. The accents were actually the hardest to form. The little eggs wanted to go everywhere so it was hard to should lines delineating what it was supposed to be. Ultimately, I think he was quite recognizable though.

To make the storm trooper, I placed a strip of cuttle fish on plastic wrap, added rice, and then formed the ball. I then used nori to make all of the facial accents, using the height of the cuttle fish to accentuate the markings.

To make the Chewbacca rice ball, I used bonito flakes for the fur. I placed some bonito flakes on the plastic wrap, added rice, and formed the ball. I then used nori to make the face. This was the simplest one to make but ultimately was my favorite. It was also instantly recognizable as what I wanted in the box too.

To pump up the protein I made both miso marinated salmon chunks and tamagoyaki, i.e. Japanese egg omelet. They perfectly complemented the veggies of corn on the cob, edamame, and seaweed salad. Overall these brought much needed freshness to a fairly hardy box.

To satisfy my sweet tooth, I found these adorable little packets of filled marshmallows. They are strawberry filled and delicious, but come in small enough packets that I don’t feel bad for eating them

This lunch was delicious, filling, and so worth showing off to everyone I could at work. It got a lot of praise, which makes all the work worth it. I’m also really enjoying the look of these small round rice balls (I previously used something similar in my Pokemon bento). It adds almost a chibi effect, and I will likely explore more ways of utilizing these in the future. So what do you think about my Star Wars bento?
