This weekend was full of celebrations. So I did what I do best when it’s time to celebrate, I baked! The first thing we celebrated was Sammy;s ex-coworker from Shreveport, Louisiana got a job at Naughty Dog right after graduating from Guildhall. We were super excited for him, plus we hadn’t seen him in a few years so we invited them to hang out. I remember what moving was like, so I figured they may not have stocked their cabinets yet so invited them to come to our home for dinner. I made a huge a lasagna in a foil pan and cheese bread so they could take the extra home. Also, you can’t have a celebration without a confection so I decided to make him a cake. Since the Naughty Dog logo is black, white, and red I wanted to do a cake with white and red as prominent colors. I decided to make him a lemon and Strawberry Roll Cake.

This is a sponge cake, soaked in lemon syrup, rolled up and filled with strawberry preserves and whipped cream. The cake is actually really fun to make. You make it on a thin sheet pan, roll it while it’s hot a let it cool rolled. Once it’s completely cooled, you unroll it, add the syrup, jam, and whipped cream before rolling it up again. I then topped it with powdered sugar and red sugar sprinkles to really drive the white and red theme.


The other thing we celebrated should be a bit more obvious, a “new” website for my food blogs. I mean technically it still just points to our couple website, but it also has its own URL,; I have logo now; and a watermark on my pictures. It’s like I’m legit. And of course, all of the credit goes to my amazing husband, Sammy. He designed my logo, banner, and setup the website. So to say thank you, I baked (of course!).

I made him Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Whip Cream Frosting! To be fair, I thought these sounded delicious and happened to have everything I’d need in the pantry already, lol. They are basically a chocolate cupcake made with cocoa powder, some cinnamon, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. It may sound weird, but it’s delicious and tastes like hot cocoa. Also, the frosting is actually a whipped cream that adds to the illusion of the hot cocoa. I highly recommend them!

Well that’s it for this weekend; hope you enjoy the new website, logo, and banner!!
